Welcome to our blog.

Our little family lives in the country just north of Brisbane, Australia.

A few years ago we built our dream home and now, inspired by a want to simplify life we have a goal to create our own little sustainable farm. We draw on the wise words of Tom Good (The Good Life - 1970s TV series) "breaking the circle...going to work, to get money, to translate into things which you use up, which makes you go to work again et cetera et cetera. The norm. What we should be doing is working at the job of life itself".

So join us for the ride as we roll up our sleeves, grow our own food, raise our own livestock and move ever more closer to a self-sufficient life.

We are using this little blog to capture our achievements, mistakes and learnings as we Grow something Simply Lovely and with any luck maybe even inspire a kinship with like minded 'out of the box [circle]' thinkers along the way.